#224 Octillery



Damage Taken » rapporto tra tipo di Pokémon e tipi di mosse

Abilities » il Pokémon può normalmente possedere una delle seguenti abilità

Suction Cups

This Pokémon cannot be forced out of battle by moves such as Whirlwind.

Dragon Tail and Circle Throw still inflict damage against this Pokémon.

Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the success rate while fishing is increased.


This Pokémon inflicts triple damage with critical hits, rather than the usual double damage.

Abilities nascosta » ottenibile in diversi modi


After each turn, one of this Pokémon's stats at random rises two stages, and another falls one stage.

If a stat is already at 6 or -6 stages, it will not be chosen to be increased or decreased, respectively.

Work in progress ... Essentials
Species Jet Pokémon National Pokédex 224 Introduced in 2
Shape Footprint Octillery Color Red
Height 0.9 m Weight 28.5 kg

Breeding & Training
Egg groups Water 1; Water 2 Hatch counter 20 Capture rate 75
Base EXP 168 Growth rate 1.000.000 Base happiness 70

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Octillery: linea evolutiva

Baby Base Fase 1 Fase 2
Remoraid OctilleryLevel up, starting at level 25

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Octillery: dove catturarlo

Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Azure Bay
  • Route 12
  • Shalour City
Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Azure Bay
  • Route 12
  • Shalour City
Black 2
Fishing in dark spots
  • Route 21
  • Undella Bay
White 2
Fishing in dark spots
  • Route 21
  • Undella Bay
Fishing in dark spots
  • Undella Bay
  • Undella Town
Fishing in dark spots
  • Undella Bay
  • Undella Town
Fishing with a Good Rod
  • Sea Route 223
Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Pastoria City
  • Pokémon League
  • Route 212, east, towards Pastoria City
  • Route 213
  • Route 222
  • Route 224
  • Sea Route 223
  • Sea Route 230
  • Sunyshore City
Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Pastoria City
  • Pokémon League
  • Route 213
  • Route 222
  • Route 224
  • Sea Route 223
  • Sea Route 230
  • Sunyshore City
Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Pastoria City
  • Pokémon League
  • Route 213
  • Route 222
  • Route 224
  • Sea Route 223
  • Sea Route 230
  • Sunyshore City
Fishing with a Super Rod
  • Safari Zone, expansion south

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Octillery: comments

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Octillery: flavor text

Quick Sprite

Global Link Artwork

Flavor Text
Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire
Octillery afferra il nemico con i tentacoli immobilizzandolo prima di sferrare il colpo finale. Se il nemico è molto forte, Octillery sputa inchiostro e scappa.
Ama rintanarsi nei vasi o nelle fessure della roccia, da dove attacca sparando getti d’inchiostro.
Cattura i nemici con le ventose dei tentacoli per poi colpirli con il suo capo duro come pietra.
Black 2, White 2
Ama rintanarsi nei vasi o nelle fessure della roccia, da dove attacca sparando getti d'inchiostro.
Black, White
Adora nascondersi nelle spaccature delle rocce. A volte allunga la bocca e sputa inchiostro sulle prede.
Cattura i nemici con le ventose dei tentacoli per poi colpirli con il suo capo duro come pietra.
S’introduce istintivamente in buchi nella roccia. Se ha sonno occupa la tana di un altro OCTILLERY.
Adora nascondersi nelle spaccature delle rocce. A volte allunga la bocca e sputa inchiostro sulle prede.
Oscura la vista al nemico sputando una nuvola d’inchiostro nero. La sua tana è fra le rocce.
Vive nelle spaccature delle rocce e del fondo marino. Con le sue ven- tose afferra saldamente la preda.
Cattura i nemici con le ventose dei tentacoli per poi colpirli con il suo capo duro come pietra.
S’introduce istintivamente in buchi nella roccia. Se ha sonno occupa la tana di un altro OCTILLERY.
OCTILLERY afferra il nemico con i tentacoli a ventosa immobilizzandolo prima di sferrare il colpo finale. Se il nemico è molto forte, sputa inchiostro e scappa.
Ruby, Sapphire
OCTILLERY afferra il nemico con i tentacoli immobilizzandolo prima di sferrare il colpo finale. Se il nemico è molto forte, OCTILLERY sputa inchiostro e scappa.

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Octillery: Stats

Modifica i campi per calcolare le statistiche del Pokémon Livello
Stat Base Rank IV EPs Value
Punti Salute
65.5 354
105 (1)
79.8 309
57 249
Attacco Speciale
105 (1)
83.7 309
Difesa Speciale
57.4 249
23.7 189

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Octillery: verso

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Octillery: Pokémon compatibili

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Octillery: Moves

Pokémon version Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

18Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

22Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

28Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

34Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

40Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

46Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

52Hydro Pump11080%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

58Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

26Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Copies the user's ability onto the target.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Prevents the target from fleeing and inflicts damage for 2-5 turns.


User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Icy Wind5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Seed Bomb80100%15

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version Sun & Moon
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

18Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

22Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

28Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

34Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

40Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

46Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

52Hydro Pump11080%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

58Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

26Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Copies the user's ability onto the target.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

18Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

22Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

28Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

34Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

40Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

46Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

52Hydro Pump11080%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

58Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

26Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Copies the user's ability onto the target.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Prevents the target from fleeing and inflicts damage for 2-5 turns.


User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Icy Wind5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Seed Bomb80100%15

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Destroys the target's held berry.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

94Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version X & Y
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

18Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

22Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

28Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

34Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

40Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

46Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

52Hydro Pump11080%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

58Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

26Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Copies the user's ability onto the target.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Destroys the target's held berry.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version Black 2 & White 2
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

18Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

22Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

28Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

34Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

40Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

46Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

52Hydro Pump11080%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

58Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

26Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Prevents the target from fleeing and inflicts damage for 2-5 turns.


User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Icy Wind5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

Seed Bomb80100%15

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Destroys the target's held berry.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version Black & White
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

19Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

23Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

29Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

36Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

42Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

48Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

55Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Changes the target's type to Water.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

32Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Acid Spray40100%20

Lowers the target's Special Defense by two stages.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.

Mud Shot5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.


Never misses.

Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Smack Down50100%15

Removes any immunity to Ground damage.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Sludge Wave95100%10

Has a 10% chance to poison the target.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to burn the target.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Destroys the target's held berry.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version HeartGold & SoulSilver
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

19Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

23Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

29Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

36Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

42Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

48Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

55Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

32Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Water Spout150100%5

Inflicts more damage when the user has more HP remaining, with a maximum of 150 power.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Icy Wind5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Seed Bomb80100%15

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

String Shot95%40

Lowers the target's Speed by two stages.


Never misses.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version Platinum
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

19Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

23Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

29Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

36Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

42Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

48Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

55Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

32Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

User bounces high into the air, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Icy Wind5595%15

Has a 100% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Seed Bomb80100%15

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version Diamond & Pearl
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Gunk Shot12080%5

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

14Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

19Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.

23Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

29Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

36Wring Out*100%5

Power increases against targets with more HP remaining, up to a maximum of 121 power.

42Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

48Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

55Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

32Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.

53Energy Ball90100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Has double power against Pokémon that have less than half their max HP remaining.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power is doubled if the target has already moved this turn.

68Giga Impact15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

91Flash Cannon80100%10

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.

Pokémon version FireRed & LeafGreen
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.


Copies the target's last used move.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version XD
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.


Copies the target's last used move.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version Colosseum
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version Emerald
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Copies the target's last used move.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.

Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Never misses.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version Ruby & Sapphire
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

Rock Blast2590%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
03Water Pulse60100%20

Has a 20% chance to confuse the target.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

09Bullet Seed25100%30

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

11Sunny Day5

Changes the weather to sunny for five turns.

13Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.


Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

36Sludge Bomb90100%10

Has a 30% chance to poison the target.

38Fire Blast11085%5

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Has a 20% chance to make the target flinch.


User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

Pokémon version Crystal
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Confuses the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Has a 10% chance to burn the target.

Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Ghosts pay half their max HP to hurt the target every turn. Others decrease Speed but raise Attack and Defense.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

35Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

40Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.

Pokémon version Gold & Silver
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Water Gun40100%25

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

22Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.

22Bubble Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Speed by one stage.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

38Focus Energy30

Increases the user's chance to score a critical hit.

54Ice Beam90100%10

Has a 10% chance to freeze the target.

70Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.

Level up: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target.

Egg: Imparata da Remoraid ma non da Octillery. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.
Aurora Beam65100%20

Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Attack by one stage.


Resets all Pokémon's stats, accuracy, and evasion.


Has a 50% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Lowers the target's Defense by two stages.


Confuses the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Ghosts pay half their max HP to hurt the target every turn. Others decrease Speed but raise Attack and Defense.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

15Hyper Beam15090%5

User foregoes its next turn to recharge.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

35Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

40Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Takes the target's item.


Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.


Prevents the target from leaving battle and inflicts 1/16 its max HP in damage for 2-5 turns.

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