#25 Pikachu



Damage Taken » rapporto tra tipo di Pokémon e tipi di mosse

Abilities » il Pokémon può normalmente possedere una delle seguenti abilità


Whenever a move makes contact with this Pokémon, the move's user has a 30% chance of being paralyzed.

Pokémon that are immune to Electric-type moves can still be paralyzed by this ability.

Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, there is a 50% chance that encounters will be with an Electric Pokémon, if applicable.

Abilities nascosta » ottenibile in diversi modi

Lightning Rod

All other Pokémon's single-target Electric-type moves are redirected to this Pokémon if it is an eligible target. Other Pokémon's Electric moves raise this Pokémon's Special Attack one stage, negating any other effect on it, and cannot miss it.

If the move's intended target also has this ability, the move is not redirected. When multiple Pokémon with this ability are possible targets for redirection, the move is redirected to the one with the highest Speed stat, or, in the case of a tie, to a random tied Pokémon. Follow Me takes precedence over this ability.

If the Pokémon is a Ground-type and thus immune to Electric moves, its immunity prevents the Special Attack boost.

Work in progress ... Essentials
Species Mouse Pokémon National Pokédex 25 Introduced in 1
Shape Footprint Pikachu Color Yellow
Height 0.4 m Weight 6 kg

Breeding & Training
Egg groups Field; Fairy Hatch counter 10 Capture rate 190
Base EXP 112 Growth rate 1.000.000 Base happiness 70

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Pikachu: linea evolutiva

Baby Base Fase 1 Fase 2
Pichu PikachuLevel up, with at least 220 happiness RaichuUse a Thunder Stone

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Pikachu: dove catturarlo

Omega Ruby
Receive as a gift
  • Fallarbor Town, Contest Hall
  • Lilycove City, Contest Hall
  • Slateport City, Contest Hall
  • Verdanturf Town, Contest Hall
Alpha Sapphire
Receive as a gift
  • Fallarbor Town, Contest Hall
  • Lilycove City, Contest Hall
  • Slateport City, Contest Hall
  • Verdanturf Town, Contest Hall
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Route 3
  • Santalune Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Route 3
  • Santalune Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Viridian Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Viridian Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Trophy Garden
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Trophy Garden
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Trophy Garden
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Power Plant
  • Viridian Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Power Plant
  • Viridian Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Safari Zone, SW
  • Safari Zone, SE
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Safari Zone, SW
  • Safari Zone, SE
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Safari Zone, SW
  • Safari Zone, SE
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Route 2, south, towards Viridian City
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Route 2, south, towards Viridian City
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Route 2, south, towards Viridian City
Receive as a gift
  • Pallet Town
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Power Plant
  • Viridian Forest
Walking in tall grass or a cave
  • Power Plant
  • Viridian Forest

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Pikachu: comments

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Pikachu: flavor text

Quick Sprite

Global Link Artwork

Flavor Text
Alpha Sapphire
Pikachu immagazzina l’elettricità nelle guance. Pare che queste si ricarichino durante la notte quando dorme. Talvolta emette delle scariche elettriche al risveglio mentre è ancora assonnato.
Omega Ruby
Quando Pikachu incontra qualcosa che non conosce, lo colpisce con una scarica elettrica. Quando si vede una bacca annerita, è evidente che questo Pokémon ha emesso una scossa troppo forte.
Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due sacche che ha sulle guance.
Solleva la coda per esaminare l’ambiente circostante. A volte la coda è colpita da un fulmine quando è in questa posizione.
Black 2, White 2
Di tanto in tanto ricarica gli altri Pikachu indeboliti usando una scarica elettrica.
Black, White
Di tanto in tanto ricarica gli altri Pikachu indeboliti usando una scarica elettrica.
Questo Pokémon cuoce le bacche dure con l’elettricità per renderle tenere prima di mangiarle.
Solleva la coda per esaminare l’ambiente circostante. A volte la coda è colpita da un fulmine quando è in questa posizione.
Di tanto in tanto ricarica gli altri PIKACHU indeboliti usando una scarica elettrica.
Se l’elettricità contenuta nelle sacche sulle sue guance scoppietta, significa che è diffidente.
Vive nelle foreste insieme agli altri. Immagazzina elettricità nelle sacche sulle guance.
Quando vari POKéMON di questa specie si radunano, la loro energia può causare forti tempeste.
Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due sacche che ha sulle guance.
Se PIKACHU rilascia tutta in un colpo l’elettricità che ha immagazzinato nelle sacche sulle guance, si sprigionano delle vere e proprie saette.
PIKACHU immagazzina l’elettricità nelle guance. Pare che queste si ricarichino durante la notte quando dorme. Talvolta emette delle scariche elettriche al risveglio mentre è ancora assonnato.
Quando PIKACHU incontra qualcosa che non conosce, lo colpisce con una scarica elettrica. Quando si vede una bacca annerita, è evidente che questo POKéMON ha emesso una scossa troppo forte.

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Pikachu: forme

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Pikachu: Stats

Modifica i campi per calcolare le statistiche del Pokémon Livello
Stat Base Rank IV EPs Value
Punti Salute
4.5 274
23.5 209
10.6 179
Attacco Speciale
27.2 199
Difesa Speciale
22.7 199
90 (2)
73.3 279

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Pikachu: verso

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Pikachu: Pokémon compatibili

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Pikachu: Moves

Pokémon version Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

7Play Nice20

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

10Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

13Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

18Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.

23Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.

50Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

53Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

10Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

13Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Disarming Voice4015

Never misses.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Electric Terrain10

For five turns, prevents all Pokémon on the ground from sleeping and strengthens their Electric moves to 1.5× their power.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Takes the target's item.


Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.

Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.

Helping Hand20+5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Knock Off65100%20

Target drops its held item.

Laser Focus30

Guarantees a critical hit with the user's next move.

Magnet Rise10

User is immune to Ground moves and effects for five turns.

Shock Wave6020

Never misses.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Tutor: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Sun & Moon
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

7Play Nice20

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

10Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

13Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

18Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.

23Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.

50Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

53Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

10Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

13Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Disarming Voice4015

Never misses.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.

Electric Terrain10

For five turns, prevents all Pokémon on the ground from sleeping and strengthens their Electric moves to 1.5× their power.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

7Play Nice20

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

10Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

13Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

18Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.

23Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.

50Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

53Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

10Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

13Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Disarming Voice4015

Never misses.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Takes the target's item.


Lowers the target's Speed by one stage.

Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.

Helping Hand20+5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Knock Off65100%20

Target drops its held item.

Magnet Rise10

User is immune to Ground moves and effects for five turns.

Shock Wave6020

Never misses.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Tutor: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

94Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version X & Y
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

7Play Nice20

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

10Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

13Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

18Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

21Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

45Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

10Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Disarming Voice4015

Never misses.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

88Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

94Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Black 2 & White 2
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

5Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

10Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

13Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

18Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

21Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

45Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

13Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Takes the target's item.

Helping Hand20+5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Knock Off65100%20

Target drops its held item.

Magnet Rise10

User is immune to Ground moves and effects for five turns.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.

Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Tutor: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

94Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Black & White
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

5Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

10Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

13Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

18Electro Ball*100%10

Power is higher when the user has greater Speed than the target, up to a maximum of 150.

21Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

45Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

13Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

Gives the user's held item to the target.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Lucky Chant30

Prevents the target from scoring critical hits for five turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.

Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.

49Echoed Voice40100%15

Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

72Volt Switch70100%20

User must switch out after attacking.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

93Wild Charge90100%15

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

94Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version HeartGold & SoulSilver
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

5Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

10Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

13Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

18Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

42Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

13Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.

Helping Hand20+5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Knock Off65100%20

Target drops its held item.

Magnet Rise10

User is immune to Ground moves and effects for five turns.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Tutor: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Platinum
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

5Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

10Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

13Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

18Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

42Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

13Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Helping Hand20+5

Ally's next move inflicts half more damage.

Knock Off65100%20

Target drops its held item.

Magnet Rise10

User is immune to Ground moves and effects for five turns.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.

Signal Beam75100%15

Has a 10% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Tutor: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Forced to use this move for several turns. Pokémon cannot fall asleep in that time.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Diamond & Pearl
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

5Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

10Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

13Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

18Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Hits through Protect and Detect.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

42Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

13Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

18Nasty Plot20

Raises the user's Special Attack by two stages.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.

Fake Out40100%10+3

Can only be used as the first move after the user enters battle. Causes the target to flinch.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack and Defense by one stage.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Throws held item at the target; power depends on the item.

57Charge Beam5090%10

Has a 70% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

73Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Lowers the target's Special Attack by two stages if it's the opposite gender.

82Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.

83Natural Gift*100%15

Power and type depend on the held berry.

86Grass Knot*100%20

Inflicts more damage to heavier targets, with a maximum of 120 power.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version FireRed & LeafGreen
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Body Slam85100%15

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts twice the damage the user received from the last physical hit it took.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

Mega Kick12075%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Mega Punch8085%20

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Copies the target's last used move.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Pokémon version XD
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Body Slam85100%15

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.


Copies the target's last used move.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Pokémon version Colosseum
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Pokémon version Emerald
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.
Body Slam85100%15

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Inflicts twice the damage the user received from the last physical hit it took.

Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

Dynamic Punch10050%5

Has a 100% chance to confuse the target.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.

Mega Kick12075%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

Mega Punch8085%20

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Copies the target's last used move.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.


Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.

Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.

Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.


Never misses.

Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Volt Tackle Pichu: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a Pichu whose mother was holding a Light Ball. The father cannot be Ditto.
Volt Tackle120100%15

User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Pokémon version Ruby & Sapphire
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Raises the user's Special Defense by one stage. User's Electric moves have doubled power next turn.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.


User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Focus Punch150100%20-3

If the user takes damage before attacking, the attack is canceled.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.

16Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


User digs underground, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.

31Brick Break75100%15

Destroys Reflect and Light Screen.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.

34Shock Wave6020

Never misses.


Power doubles if user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.

43Secret Power70100%20

Has a 30% chance to inflict a status effect which depends upon the terrain.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

H6Rock Smash40100%15

Has a 50% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.

Pokémon version Crystal
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Tutor: Can be taught at any time by an NPC.

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Dynamic Punch10050%5

Has a 100% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.


Ghosts pay half their max HP to hurt the target every turn. Others decrease Speed but raise Attack and Defense.


Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

07Zap Cannon12050%5

Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

35Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

40Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.

41Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

Pokémon version Gold & Silver
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Level up: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.

Lowers the target's Attack by two stages.

11Sweet Kiss75%10

Confuses the target.

Egg: Imparata da Pichu ma non da Pikachu. Appears on a newly-hatched Pokémon, if the father had the same move.

User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.

Double Slap1585%10

Hits 2-5 times in one turn.


Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns.


Randomly inflicts damage with power from 40 to 120 or heals the target for 1/4 its max HP.


Inflicts more damage when the user has less HP remaining, with a maximum of 200 power.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Dynamic Punch10050%5

Has a 100% chance to confuse the target.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch.


Ghosts pay half their max HP to hurt the target every turn. Others decrease Speed but raise Attack and Defense.


Power doubles every turn this move is used in succession after the first, resetting after five turns.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

07Zap Cannon12050%5

Has a 100% chance to paralyze the target.

10Hidden Power60100%15

Power and type depend upon user's IVs. Power can range from 30 to 70.


Has a 30% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.

18Rain Dance5

Changes the weather to rain for five turns.


Prevents the user's HP from lowering below 1 this turn.


Power increases as happiness decreases, up to a maximum of 102.

23Iron Tail10075%15

Has a 30% chance to lower the target's Defense by one stage.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Power increases with happiness, up to a maximum of 102.


Has a 100% chance to lower the target's accuracy by one stage.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Raises the target's Attack by two stages and confuses the target.

35Sleep Talk10

Randomly uses one of the user's other three moves. Only works if the user is sleeping.


Never misses.

40Defense Curl40

Raises user's Defense by one stage.

41Thunder Punch75100%15

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Prevents any moves from hitting the user this turn.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.


Target falls in love if it has the opposite gender, and has a 50% chance to refuse attacking the user.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

Pokémon version Yellow
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

6Tail Whip100%30

Lowers the target's Defense by one stage.

8Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

11Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

15Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

50Light Screen30

Reduces damage from special attacks by 50% for five turns.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Mega Punch8085%20

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

05Mega Kick12075%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

08Body Slam85100%15

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

09Take Down9085%20

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

16Pay Day40100%20

Scatters money on the ground worth five times the user's level.


User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

19Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


If the user is hit after using this move, its Attack rises by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Copies the target's last used move.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Reduces damage from physical attacks by half.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Never misses.

40Skull Bash130100%10

Raises the user's Defense by one stage. User charges for one turn before attacking.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.

45Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

Stadium: Surfing Pikachu: Learned when a non-rental Pikachu helps beat Prime Cup Master Ball R-2. It must participate in every battle, and you must win with no continues.

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

Pokémon version Red & Blue
Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Thunder Shock40100%30

Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Lowers the target's Attack by one stage.

9Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.

16Quick Attack40100%30+1

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Never misses.


Raises the user's Speed by two stages.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

Machine: Can be taught at any time by using a TM or HM.
01Mega Punch8085%20

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.

05Mega Kick12075%5

Inflicts regular damage with no additional effect.


Badly poisons the target, inflicting more damage every turn.

08Body Slam85100%15

Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.

09Take Down9085%20

User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.


User receives 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil.

16Pay Day40100%20

Scatters money on the ground worth five times the user's level.


User receives 1/4 the damage it inflicts in recoil.

19Seismic Toss*100%20

Inflicts damage equal to the user's level.


If the user is hit after using this move, its Attack rises by one stage.


Has a 10% chance to paralyze the target.


Has a 30% chance to paralyze the target.


Copies the target's last used move.

32Double Team15

Raises the user's evasion by one stage.


Reduces damage from physical attacks by half.


User waits for two turns, then hits back for twice the damage it took.


Never misses.

40Skull Bash130100%10

Raises the user's Defense by one stage. User charges for one turn before attacking.


User sleeps for two turns, completely healing itself.

45Thunder Wave90%20

Paralyzes the target.


Transfers 1/4 of the user's max HP into a doll, protecting the user from further damage or status changes until it breaks.


Lowers the target's accuracy by one stage.

Stadium: Surfing Pikachu: Learned when a non-rental Pikachu helps beat Prime Cup Master Ball R-2. It must participate in every battle, and you must win with no continues.

Inflicts regular damage and can hit Dive users.

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